Construction Project Listing
Design/Build Custom Homes
K. Reinsch Residence
Pipkin Residence #1
Pipkin Residence #2
Best Residence
Sundgren Residence
Williams Residence
Logan Residence
Design/Build Remodel
Overstreet Kitchen - Family Room
Overstreet Pool & Patio
S. Britt Residence - Fire Damage
Bowers Residence - Fire Damage
Walsh Residence
E. Rumph Residence
B. Rumph Residence
E. Turner Kitchen
E. Turner Pool - Patio
E. Turner Greenhouse
Ferguson Kitchen
Kryger Residence, Grounds, and
Garage Apartment
Collins Kitchen and Pool space
Allen Kitchen
Laskajani Roof Repair
Nickerson Spa, Patio & Privacy Wall
Lakeland Computerland Storage Facility
Stephens Interiors
Stephens Kitchen
Gardasyz Kitchen
Ferraro Porch
Atkinson Repairs
O'Toole Renovation
Malless Renovation
White House Leveling
Vallario Residence Remodel
Able and Willing Addition
Design Consultation
T. Turner Residence
W. Rumph Residence
W. Rumph Mountain Retreat
Beck Kitchen
Gardasyz Addition
Shaffer Central Hospital (Veterinarian)
Overstreet Residence
Construction Only
Paul Kitchen and Bedroom
Paul Family Room
Sear Family Room and Carport
Smith Residence
RTC Property Repairs
Construction Management
W. Rumph Mountain Retreat
Structure Consultation
P. Bower's Property - Lake Mary
J. Bower's Property #1 - Apopka
J. Bower's Property #2 - Apopka
Clyatt Environmental Assessment - Bartow
S. Moore Residence - Bartow
O'Toole Property Evaluation #1 - Bartow
O'Toole Property Evaluation #2 - Bartow
McConnell Property Evaluation - Lakeland
Overstreet Property Evaluation #1 - Lakeland
Overstreet Property Evaluation #2 - Lakeland
Bell Property Evaluation - Alachua
Beck Property Evaluation - Lakeland
Vallario Property Evaluation #1 - Charleston
Vallario Property Evaluation #2 - Charleston
Vallario Property Evaluation #3 - Sanford
Vallario Property Evaluation #4 - Lake Mary
Vallario Property Evaluation #5 - Lake Mary
Estroff pool evaluation - Lakeland
Estroff pool mediation (as expert) - Lakeland
Boyington Lake Morton Residence evaluation - Lakeland
Malless-Seggerman Mississippi Residence evaluation - Lakeland
Cooper Hancock Residence evaluation - Lakeland
Cooper residential pre-purchase counseling - Lakeland
Meyer Walton Lake evaluation - Plant City
Meyer North Tampa evaluation - Tampa
Buhl Structural evaluation - Lakeland
K. Reinsch Residence
Pipkin Residence #1
Pipkin Residence #2
Best Residence
Sundgren Residence
Williams Residence
Logan Residence
Design/Build Remodel
Overstreet Kitchen - Family Room
Overstreet Pool & Patio
S. Britt Residence - Fire Damage
Bowers Residence - Fire Damage
Walsh Residence
E. Rumph Residence
B. Rumph Residence
E. Turner Kitchen
E. Turner Pool - Patio
E. Turner Greenhouse
Ferguson Kitchen
Kryger Residence, Grounds, and
Garage Apartment
Collins Kitchen and Pool space
Allen Kitchen
Laskajani Roof Repair
Nickerson Spa, Patio & Privacy Wall
Lakeland Computerland Storage Facility
Stephens Interiors
Stephens Kitchen
Gardasyz Kitchen
Ferraro Porch
Atkinson Repairs
O'Toole Renovation
Malless Renovation
White House Leveling
Vallario Residence Remodel
Able and Willing Addition
Design Consultation
T. Turner Residence
W. Rumph Residence
W. Rumph Mountain Retreat
Beck Kitchen
Gardasyz Addition
Shaffer Central Hospital (Veterinarian)
Overstreet Residence
Construction Only
Paul Kitchen and Bedroom
Paul Family Room
Sear Family Room and Carport
Smith Residence
RTC Property Repairs
Construction Management
W. Rumph Mountain Retreat
Structure Consultation
P. Bower's Property - Lake Mary
J. Bower's Property #1 - Apopka
J. Bower's Property #2 - Apopka
Clyatt Environmental Assessment - Bartow
S. Moore Residence - Bartow
O'Toole Property Evaluation #1 - Bartow
O'Toole Property Evaluation #2 - Bartow
McConnell Property Evaluation - Lakeland
Overstreet Property Evaluation #1 - Lakeland
Overstreet Property Evaluation #2 - Lakeland
Bell Property Evaluation - Alachua
Beck Property Evaluation - Lakeland
Vallario Property Evaluation #1 - Charleston
Vallario Property Evaluation #2 - Charleston
Vallario Property Evaluation #3 - Sanford
Vallario Property Evaluation #4 - Lake Mary
Vallario Property Evaluation #5 - Lake Mary
Estroff pool evaluation - Lakeland
Estroff pool mediation (as expert) - Lakeland
Boyington Lake Morton Residence evaluation - Lakeland
Malless-Seggerman Mississippi Residence evaluation - Lakeland
Cooper Hancock Residence evaluation - Lakeland
Cooper residential pre-purchase counseling - Lakeland
Meyer Walton Lake evaluation - Plant City
Meyer North Tampa evaluation - Tampa
Buhl Structural evaluation - Lakeland
Construction Projects